ESG Management

Hi Seoul Youth Hostel ESG Activities

Hi Seoul Youth Hostel is practicing E (eco-friendly management), S (social contribution), and G (ethics management)for the "global environment" and a "better happy future" for all of us to realize continuous social values.

E (Eco-friendly management)

The Hi Seoul Youth Hostel is actively participating in "saving the Earth" and is taking the lead in protecting
the environment through small practices in daily life.

  • Small Engagement for the Environment Green ON Campaign

    NO PLASTIC ZONE (Limited plastic in room)

    Restrictions on unnecessary detergent use (Replace linen only when applying for cleaning service during a consecutive night)

  • Participate in Eco-Freindly Events

    Participate in lights-out events on Energy Saving Day

    International Campaign to Save Energy and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Aug. 22)

  • Hi ECO+

    Eco-friendly campaign activities that share and practice ways to protect the environment in everyday life

S (Social contribution)

The municipal Hi Seoul Youth Hostel continues to carry out social contribution activities by utilizing the capabilities and resources of the institution to grow and share happiness with the local community.

  • Hi-Run clean-up activities for projects linked to regional development

    Plogging activities around the Hi Seoul Youth Hostel

  • Youth career search project (hotelier job experience)

    Specialized job experience program for youth to form the right view of occupation

  • High Dream On, a project to link vulnerable youth

    Activities to provide accommodation and various experience opportunities to vulnerable youth in the community

G (Governance)

The municipal Hi Seoul Youth Hostel strives to fulfill its ethical responsibilities in the operation of the institution and to increase trust. It seeks to improve the value of various stakeholders such as customers, members, and society, and to achieve sustainable growth and development based on the respect for customers and the ethical consciousness of members. We strive to establish and spread transparent management by conducting education and various programs on operational management practice.

  • Customer

    We strive to strengthen communication with customers and identify customer needs to actively improve services and increase customer satisfaction with the priority of customer happiness.

  • Employees

    To understand and practice ethical management, we strive to cultivate employees' awareness of ethical management through various employee training such as human rights.

  • Business Partners

    In order to eradicate mediation and solicitation related to purchases and contracts, we grow with our partners, such as integrity contract regulations and transactions through fair bidding in the contract.
