Personal Information Processing Policy

                    Hi Seoul Youth Hostel Privacy Policy

In order to protect the freedom and rights of data subjects, Hi Seoul Youth Hostel legally processes and manages personal information safely in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act and related statutes. In accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, in order to guide data subjects on procedures and standards for processing personal information, and to promptly and smoothly handle related grievances, the personal information processing policy shall be established and disclosed as follows.
※ You can check the details by mouse-cursor on the symbol, and please check the privacy policy below for more information.

▪ 개인정보의 처리목적

① Hi Seoul Youth Hostel processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information being processed will not be used for any purpose other than the following purposes, and if the purpose of use is changed, necessary measures will be taken, such as obtaining separate consent pursuant to Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Membership and Management Personal information is processed for the purpose of confirming the intention to join, identifying and authenticating oneself by providing membership services, maintaining and managing membership, implementing a limited identification system, preventing illegal use of services, checking the consent of legal representatives when processing personal information of children under the age of 14, and various notices and notices.

2. Handling civil complaints
Personal information is processed for the purpose of confirming the identity of the complainant, confirming the complaint, contacting and notifying for fact-finding, and notifying the results of the processing.

3. Registration and disclosure of personal information files
The purpose of processing, retention period, and items of personal information files registered and disclosed pursuant to Article 32 of the Personal Information Protection Act are as follows.

Name of
personal information file
Purpose of collection Items of personal information recorded in personal information files Retention period
Homepage Review Review Processing Name 1 year
Homepage FAQ FAQ Processing Name 1 year
Information on electronic civil petitioners Complaint handling Name, email address, mobile phone number, date of birth, gender 3 years
Information about applicants for retirement career certificate Issuance of a certificate of experience Name, date of birth, mobile phone number, email address -
Application for employment Recruitment Name, date of birth, mobile phone number, address, gender, e-mail address, educational background, qualification, career, criminal background data 3 years
Club Club management Name, date of birth, mobile phone number, address, gender, e-mail address, educational background, qualification, experience 3 years
Customer Satisfaction Survey Improve customer satisfaction Name, date of birth, mobile phone number, email address 3 years


Process personal information with the purpose of processing according to personal information processing work.

2. Handling of civil complaints: 3 years after completion of civil complaints

3. Processing and possession of personal information under Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act: 3 years

4. :

▪ Personal Information Items to Process

Hi Seoul Youth Hostel handles the following personal information items.

1. Home page membership and management

• Mandatory item: name, date of birth, ID, password, address, phone number, gender, email address, iPIN number
• Selections: Marital status, areas of interest
2. handling civil complaints

• Mandatory items: Name, resident registration number, phone number, address
• Selections: Email address

3. In the process of using the Internet service, the following personal information items can be automatically generated and collected. (If there is a personal information item that is automatically generated and collected)

• IP address, cookie, MAC address, service usage record, visit record, bad usage record

▪ Personal Information File Registration Status
The purpose of processing, retention period, and items of personal information files registered and disclosed by Hi Seoul Youth Hostel pursuant to Article 32 of the Personal Information Protection Act are as follows.

Name of
personal information file
Purpose of collection Items of personal information recorded in personal information files Retention period
Homepage Review Review Processing Name 1 year
Homepage FAQ FAQ Processing Name 1 year
Information on electronic civil petitioners Complaint handling Name, email address, mobile phone number, date of birth, gender 3 years
Information about applicants for retirement career certificate Issuance of a certificate of experience Name, date of birth, mobile phone number, email address -
Application for employment Recruitment Name, date of birth, mobile phone number, address, gender, e-mail address, educational background, qualification, career, criminal background data 3 years
Club Club management Name, date of birth, mobile phone number, address, gender, e-mail address, educational background, qualification, experience 3 years
Customer Satisfaction Survey Improve customer satisfaction Name, date of birth, mobile phone number, email address 3 years

▪ Results of Personal Information Impact Assessment

① Hi Seoul Youth Hostel is under the "Personal Information Impact Assessment" under Article 33 of the Personal Information Protection Act to investigate, analyze, and evaluate the impact of the personal information processing system operated on the personal information file of the data subject.

▪ Provision of personal information to third parties

① Hi Seoul Youth Hostel provides personal information to third parties only if they fall under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the consent of the data subject and special provisions of the Act.

② Hi Seoul Youth Hostel provides personal information as follows in accordance with the law.

Person who receives an offer Purpose of provision Item provided Retention and period of use
Insurance company Employee safety activity insurance Name, social security number, address Delete when you leave
Shinhan Bank Pension insurance policy Name, social security number, address Delete when you leave
Shinhan Bank Pension insurance policy Name, social security number, address Delete when you leave
Police station Inquiry on criminal background Name, social security number, address Delete when you leave

▪ Consignment of personal information processing

① Hi Seoul Youth Hostel is entrusted with personal information processing as follows for smooth personal information processing.

Consignee (trustee) Consignment work
HANDY electronic document Groupware
KT Telecop CCTV
Seolran Maintenance and repair of the website

② 하이서울유스호스텔은 위탁계약 체결 시 「개인정보 보호법」 제26조에 따라 위탁업무 수행목적 외 개인 정보 처리금지, 안전성 확보조치, 재위탁 제한, 수탁자에 대한 관리·감독, 손해배상 등 책임에 관한 사항 을 계약서 등 문서에 명시하고, 수탁자가 개인정보를 안전하게 처리하는지를 감독하고 있습니다.

③ If the contents of the consignment work or the trustee changes, we will disclose it without delay through this personal information processing policy.

▪ Destruction of personal information

① Hi Seoul Youth Hostel will destroy the personal information without delay when it becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the personal information retention period and the achievement of the processing purpose.

② If the personal information must be preserved in accordance with other laws and regulations despite the expiration of the personal information retention period agreed by the data subject or the purpose of processing has been achieved, the personal information (or personal information file) shall be moved to a separate database (DB) or stored differently.

③ The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.

1. Procedure for destruction
High Seoul Youth Hostel establishes and destroys a plan to destroy personal information (or personal information files) that must be destroyed. High Seoul Youth Hostel selects personal information (or personal information files) that cause destruction, and destroys personal information (or personal information files) with the approval of the personal information protection officer of High Seoul Youth Hostel.

2. Method of destruction
Method of destruction

▪ Rights, obligations, and methods of exercise of data subjects and legal representatives

① The data subject may exercise the right to read, correct, delete, and suspend personal information at any time regarding the Hi Seoul Youth Hostel.

※ Requests for access to personal information about children under the age of 14 must be made by a legal representative, and the information subject who is a minor over the age of 14 may exercise his or her rights through a legal representative.

② In accordance with Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, the exercise of rights can be done in writing, e-mail, and fax, and High Seoul Youth Hostel will take action without delay.

③ The exercise of rights may be done through an agent, such as a legal representative of the data subject or a person who has been delegated. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney in attached Form 11 of the "Notice on the Method of Processing Personal Information (No. 2020-7)".

④ Requests for suspension of reading and processing personal information may be restricted by Article 35 (4) and Article 37 (2) of the Personal Information Protection Act.

⑤ Requests for correction and deletion of personal information cannot be requested if the personal information is specified as a collection target in other laws.

⑥ The Hi Seoul Youth Hostel checks whether the person who requested the access according to the data subject's rights, correction or deletion, or access in case of suspension of processing is himself or her legitimate agent.

▪ Measures to ensure the safety of personal information

Hi Seoul Youth Hostel is taking the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.

1. Management measures: Establishment and implementation of internal management plans and regular employee training

2. Technical measures: Management of access rights to personal information processing systems, etc., installation of access control systems, encryption of unique identification information, etc., installation of security programs

3. Physical measures: Control of access to computer rooms, data storage rooms, etc

▪ Matters concerning the installation, operation, and rejection of automatic personal information collection devices

① HiSeoul Youth Hostel uses cookies that store usage information and call them up from time to time to provide individual customized services to users, which users can refuse. Refusing to save cookies can cause difficulties in using customized services.

▪ Person in charge of personal information protection

① Hi Seoul Youth Hostel is in charge of handling personal information and designates a personal information protection officer as follows for the handling of complaints and damage relief of information subjects related to personal information processing.

‣ Person in charge of personal information protection

Name: Hong Seung-hyun
Position: General Manager
Position: Grade 1
Phone Number : 02-2677-1801,, 02-2677-1776

※ It leads to the department in charge of personal information protection.

‣ Department in charge of personal information protection

Name of department: Management support team
Person in charge: Park Eun-joo
Phone Number : 02-2677-1811,, 02-2677-1776

‣ Person in charge of each field of personal information protection

Name of department: Management support team
Person in charge: Park Eun-joo

‣ Person in charge of each field of personal information protection

Department name: All departments
Person in charge: All employees

② The information subject may contact the personal information protection officer and the department in charge for all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaint handling, and damage relief arising from using the service (or business) of the Hi Seoul Youth Hostel.

Hi Seoul Youth Hostel will respond and process the information subject's inquiries without delay.

▪ Request for access to personal information

The data subject may request the following departments to view personal information under Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Hi Seoul Youth Hostel will try to expedite the data subject's request for personal information access.

‣ Department for receiving and processing requests for personal information access

Name of department: Management support team
Person in charge: Park Eun-joo
Phone Number : 02-2677-1811,, 02-2677-1776

▪ Remedies for infringement of rights and interests

In order to receive relief due to personal information infringement, the data subject may apply for dispute resolution or counseling to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, the Korea Internet & Security Agency's Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center, etc. For other reports and consultations on personal information infringement, please contact the following agencies.

1. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee : (without a national number) 1833-6972 (
2. Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center : (without a national number) 118 (
3. Supreme Prosecutors' Office : (without a national number) 1301 (
4. National Police Agency : (without a national number) 182 (

Infiltration of rights or interests due to dispositions or omissions made by the heads of public institutions in response to requests under Articles 35 (access of personal information), 36 (correction and deletion of personal information), and 37 (stop of processing of personal information, etc.) of the Personal Information Protection Act

nyone who has been harmed may request an administrative trial as prescribed by the Administrative Trial Act.

‣ Central Administrative Appeals Committee : (without a national number) 110 (

▪ Personal Information Management Level Diagnostic Results

① In order to safely manage the personal information of data subjects, the Hi Seoul Youth Hostel receives the "Personal Information Management Level Diagnosis of Public Institutions" conducted by the Personal Information Protection Committee every year in accordance with Article 11 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

② Hi Seoul Youth Hostel is striving to prevent the leakage of personal information by implementing the personal information processing policy and strengthening personal information safety measures.

▪ Installation and operation of image information processing equipment

① Hi Seoul Youth Hostel installs and operates video information processing devices as follows.

1. Evidence and Purpose of Installation of Video Information Processing Equipment: Facility Safety and Fire Prevention of the High Seoul Youth Hostel

2. Number of installations, location of installation, and scope of photographing: Installation in major facilities such as lobby and exhibition room of the office building; filming the entire space of major facilities

3. Management manager, department in charge, and person who has access to video information: Park Eun-joo, team leader of the management support team

4. Video information shooting time, storage period, storage place, and processing method

– Shooting time: 24 hours
– Storage period: 30 days from the time of filming
– Storage place and processing method: Store and process in the control room of the image information processing equipment of the management support team

5. Method and place for checking video information: Request to the person in charge of management

6. Measures for the request of the data subject to read video information, etc.: The application shall be made by a request for reading and confirming the existence of personal video information, and the access shall be permitted only when the data subject himself is photographed or clearly necessary for the benefit of life, body, and property of the data subject

7. Technical, administrative and physical measures for the protection of video information: Establishment of internal management plans, restriction of access control and access rights, application of safe storage and transmission technology of video information, storage of processing records and measures to prevent forgery and alteration, provision of storage facilities and installation of locking devices

8. Matters concerning the entrustment of the installation, management, etc. of video information processing equipment

Hi Seoul Youth Hostel entrusts the installation and management of video information processing devices as follows, and stipulates necessary matters to ensure that personal information can be safely managed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

▪ Changes to personal information processing policy

① This Privacy Policy will take effect from 2024.4.5.